青年交流 — 林曉敏(Hong Kong Reminiscence 香港遺美)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


I use photographs and storytelling in my book, ” Hong Kong Reminiscence: Document of Hong Kong’s Old Stores” to preserve the essence of our history, transforming it into tangible cherished memories. 

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青年交流 — Anny(Since a zine…)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

推動個人小誌出版計劃,引導參加者重新反思自己的敍事身份(narrative identity),面對自己;也藉出版讓他們感受到被看見,發掘到一種表達自己的新渠道。

Promoting a “zine” publishing project that encourages people to reflect on their narrative identity and embrace their individuality. The making of the Zine is a vehicle for authentic self-expression, through which interpersonal connections are being realized. 

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青年交流 — Elaine (彩虹) — We Treat 好好共息

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

以共學共修的形式,推動全人關注和整全的身心靈健康(holistic health and self-care),讓人接觸真我(authentic self) ,回歸初心,做返自己,同時連結他人和社區。舉辦活動的主題和形式包括:設計人生,好好共息日,非暴力溝通,豎琴療癒等。

Fostering holistic health and self-care through collaborative learning, so that people can reconnect with their authentic selves and cultivate meaningful connections with one other and the community.  

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青年交流 — Stephanie (Moodie Foodie)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

為精神復元人士和關注精神健康的青年提供培訓,讓他們成為 Foodie ,透過在社交媒體分享飲食和精神健康的資訊,促進社會更了解精神病患者的處境。

Offering training for youth on mental wellness and those recovering from mental health problems. Through empowering them to become “foodies”, they can  to promote healthy eating on social media as well as to raise awareness on the issue.   

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青年交流 — Julia & Kitty(糖不甩)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


​We are a charity organization that offers comprehensive sex education. With the name “Sticky Rice Love,” our aim is to encourage open discussions about sexuality. This positive approach should help enable young people to make sensible and responsible decisions with mutual respect. 

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青年交流 — Zero (菱雨一工作室)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


From being a kindergarten teacher to now an illustrator of children books and educator, I create my own style and incorporate movement into my storytelling and educational activities, building upon my past dance experience. 

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