青年交流 — 林曉敏(Hong Kong Reminiscence 香港遺美)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong


I use photographs and storytelling in my book, ” Hong Kong Reminiscence: Document of Hong Kong’s Old Stores” to preserve the essence of our history, transforming it into tangible cherished memories. 

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青年交流 — Anny(Since a zine…)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong

推動個人小誌出版計劃,引導參加者重新反思自己的敍事身份(narrative identity),面對自己;也藉出版讓他們感受到被看見,發掘到一種表達自己的新渠道。

Promoting a “zine” publishing project that encourages people to reflect on their narrative identity and embrace their individuality. The making of the Zine is a vehicle for authentic self-expression, through which interpersonal connections are being realized. 

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