青年交流 — 潘希晴 Phoebe (Liker Land)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


By using the blockchain technology, an online bookstore and digital publishing platform are being built. Our goal is to transform the publishing industry, benefiting not only writers but also those who are running bookstores and publishing houses. 

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青年交流 — Emma & Jonathan (海印 OceanStamps)

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

由 Emma 和 Jonathan 一同經營,既有創作以動物如鯨豚為主題的印章雕刻,亦有舉辦海印賞豚團,亦希望透過不同的體驗讓人們感受到海洋與環境其實就在身邊。

Focusing on creating whale / dolphin-themed stamps, Emma and Jonathan also organize dolphin-watching tours, to give people the unique experience to connect with the ocean and surrounding environment. 

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青年交流 — 梁靜韻 Gigi ( Not a Gallery )

大館複式展室(1座) 10 Hollywood Rd, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

單位簡介: 成立於 2018 年,致力提供各類型藝術治療服務,為個別受困擾人士提供情感抒發的出口,並舉辦不同的分享會和體驗工作坊。早前舉辦了《我想告訴你,其實我並不快樂 》學生情緒支援計劃,期望大眾更關注情緒健康議題。 「畀佢哋確立、承認不快樂情緒嘅存在,係正視、處理嘅第一步。」 ​​ We provide art therapy services including experiential workshops, offering an emotional outlet for people under distress. We held the “I Want to Tell You, Actually I Am Not Happy” – Student Emotional Support Program, aiming to raise public awareness of mental health issues.  “Recognizing the existence of unhappy […]

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