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與青少年同在,互為彼此的成長之旅 (Here, Nurture Youth as Relational Being)

大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube Tung Yuen Building, 7 Chancery Ln, Central, Hong Kong

主題演講將會從 “關係為本” 的視點理解及探討青少年成長,包括青年工作者應該期望青少年成長為怎樣的人,當今天面對人際關係及社會處境種種挑戰時,應該建立怎樣的環境,讓青少年即使在困境中仍看見希望、開展自己的未來。

The keynote speech will approach and explore the development of adolescents from a “relational-based” perspective. This includes discussing what kind of people youth workers should expect adolescents to become, and how to establish an environment that enables adolescents to see hope and unfold their own future, even in the face of various challenges in interpersonal relationships and social circumstances.

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座談演講I : 解鎖精神健康:與青少年同在,接納不完美也是一種美(Plenary Session I : Here, unlock the key to Mental Wellness: Embrace Youth as Who They Are)

大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube Tung Yuen Building, 7 Chancery Ln, Central, Hong Kong

除了傳統的服務和治療方法外,從「關係為本」導向去理解造成青少年精神健康的核心原因是至關重要的。青少年作為「互為彼此的存在」(Relational Being),在發展真實自我和身份的同時,與他人建立有意義的關係是培養身心健康的基礎,然而互動過程中很多時產生衝突或壓力,甚至彼此傷害、循環不息。本分組演講嘉賓將會討論影響青少年心理健康的複雜因素,分享他們如何理解家庭、學校和社交媒體等重要系統對青少年精神健康的影響和挑戰,探討在現今處境下培育青少年整全自我、身心靈健康發展的策略,回應青少年的需要。

Apart from conventional services and treatments, it is crucial to understand the core reasons on the relational-based approach, behind youth mental illness. Youth, as the relational being, who thrive on developing their true selves and identities meanwhile establishing meaningful relationships with others. This session aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the complex factors impacting adolescents’ mental wellness. Various professionals come to share their views on the profound influence and challenges of various important systems, such as family, peers, and school, on youth mental wellness. Through insightful discussions and shared experiences, it is expected to generate ideas and strategies which appropriately respond to the needs of youth and help to improve mental health.

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座談演講II:與青少年有份,共同參與互惠創路(Plenary Session II: Here, Engage youth for reciprocal pathway to the future)

大館賽馬會立方 JC Cube Tung Yuen Building, 7 Chancery Ln, Central, Hong Kong


The guest speakers will share and explore the concept and experiences of mutual development in the age of technology, exploring how youth and different stakeholders in society can mutually benefit and create possibilities for the industry, and open up paths for everyone to survive, bringing hope to each other. This will contribute to the development of youth career aspirations, helping them find their own place in the community, participate, and practice self-expression.

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