
The keynote speech in the morning will approach and explore the development of adolescents from a “relational-based” perspective.

Keynote Session: Here, We Nurture Youth as Relational Being 

Keynote Speakers:

Find out more about Dean Stanton Wortham

He has most recently done research with Mexican immigrants, exploring the challenges and opportunities facing newcomers and host communities in places where both Mexican and longstanding resident identities can be more fluid than in areas with a long history of Mexican settlement.He has received the American Educational Research Association Cattell Early Career Research Award, the University of Pennsylvania Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, and the Society for Linguistic Anthropology Sapir Book Prize. In both research and practice, he and his colleagues at Boston College are elaborating and implementing a broad vision of “formative education,” in which educators are responsible for fostering the development of whole people, including interrelations among interpersonal, emotional, ethical and spiritual dimensions.

Shin ARITA is a professor at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, known for his expertise in comparative sociology. He earned his Ph.D. in area studies from the University of Tokyo after completing his undergraduate studies in sociology.

His research interests include the labor market, educational systems, and social stratification in East Asia. Among his recent publications are “Education and Social Stratification in South Korea” (University of Tokyo Press, 2020) and “Sociology of Reward Inequality Based on Employment Positions: A Comparison of Non-standard Employment and Social Stratification in Japan and Korea” (University of Tokyo Press, 2016, in Japanese). For these works, he has been honored with several academic awards


Frances has authored or co-authored more than 80 academic peer-reviewed articles, books, and book chapters, with an emphasis on topics related to evidence-based practice models. Currently, she serves as the Program Director for the Master of Social Sciences in the field of Social Service Management (SSM) and Associate Director of the HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention.

Following the keynote session, two plenary sessions in the afternoon will further explore the understanding of youth development on the “relational-based” perspective. Mental Wellness and Vocational Development are significant domains in the life stage for youth to transit from adolescent to adult as well as to develop self and identity. These topics have always been the concerns to youth workers, as such provoking numerous discussions and suggestions. We aim to explore and discuss on these two topics from the relational perspective in the plenary sessions, which are:

Plenary Session I : Here, Unlock the Key to Mental Wellness : Embrace Youth as Who They Are

Guest speakers will discuss various factors affecting the mental health of young people, through studies and clinical experience.  We will review the impact and challenges posed by systems such as family, school, and social media on their well-being. Actions and strategies to promote the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of youth in the present context. So that we may pull our effort together to address the changing needs of this generation and steer the future development of youth work. 

Plenary Speakers:

Dr Hui Lung Kit


Dr Hui Lung Kit is a writer and a psychiatrist. His new book “Sidanism” uses a humorous approach to talk about life, mood and mind healing, in order to help people in modern society handling their life stress. 

Life is not perfect, just do your best. Let it go!

Ms Carmen Liau

Manager of the Breakthrough Counselling Centre

Miss Carmen Liau, Fai Ching is currently the manager of the Breakthrough Counsellling Centre. She is an experienced Psychological Counsellor and registered Occupational Therapist. She joined Breakthrough Organization in 2010 and is committed to the field in the mental health and counselling of youth and parents, and to facilitate the relationship and communication between the two generations. She has developed “Matchman Emotion Game Card”with the Breakthrough design team, and co-authored “Matchman Diary: Youth at Crossroad”, “The True Friendship in Digital World” and “Mental Health in Childhood and Adolescence.

“Every tear you shed is precious and shows that you are seriously asking and feeling for life. I hope every tear will be transformed into a source of life and will nourish each other and continue to grow.”

“Don’t give up! Here We Are: We are still with you. Let’s shine for each other!” 

Mr Justin Lai

Associate Director of Methodist Centre for Quality Life Education.

Justin is a Christian, a registered social worker, and an experienced youth worker. Pak-Yin had dreamed to changing the world when he was young, after a long-term exploration in his work journey, he is now narrowing down his target to be a companion with youth. Pak-Yin is focusing on life education and promoting “failure education” in recent years, which coordinated with almost 70 schools in past 5 years for experimental workshop and teaching material publishment. 

Wong Shung Kin, Alex

Dustykid Limited Co-Founder & Breeze Factory Limited Founder

Founded in 2005, Breeze Factory is a marketing company specialised in licensing and intimate advertisement solutions, and is always beloved by clients far and wide. When I met Dustykid in 2013, my long cherished wish of changing the world via manga was rekindled. I have become the manager of Dustykid and we took our adventures. In ten years, I made it an influential brand by publishing spiritual illustrations. Recently, I am working on school programmes and Dustykid AI, wishing that I can ease the pressure on our young generation.

“Keep your hopes up, and you will be able to see the light despite all of the darkness.

“Your beating heart shows you how much it looks forward to the future. 


Dr. HO Yuk Fan, Esther

Principal, Carmel Secondary School, and Chairperson, Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters

Principal, Carmel Secondary School, and Chairperson, Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters. Dr. HO is an experienced school administrator, coach and trainer in professional development programmes organized by EDB and various tertiary institutes on school leadership, career guidance, positive education and general school guidance.  She was the Project Convenor of Jockey Club Project Well-being, an innovative and comprehensive programme to promote positive education for wellbeing of students, teachers, parents, and school improvement in local context. She is also the editor and author of the several career development tools most widely used by local secondary school students. She advocates in bridging academic researches, practical applications in schools and teachers’ professionalism.  She has been serving actively in the education community through various capacities. She is currently a member of the Public Examination Board of Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority, and Board Member of the Breakthrough Ltd. 

Plenary Session II : Here, Engage Youth for the Reciprocal Pathway for the Future 

Guest speakers will expound on own progress and challenge in co-creating and co-learning for the future.   As stakeholders, these younger practitioners will shed light on how we may collaborate and empower the next generation to curate new ideas and thrive for new pathways into the future. 

Plenary Speakers:

Ms. Phoebe Poon

co-founder & ceo of Liker Land,
LikeCoin founding teamLikeCoin

Media and tech-savvy. University of Washington alumni. Phoebe has been active in the blockchain space for 7+ years. Passionate about storytelling, bridging layman to innovative technology. She believes that blockchain technology will restore human connection and drive the future of the creator economy.

“Be the change you want to see in the world”

Mr. Sampson Wong

Hong Kong urban researcher
Recently published books titled ‘Walking Studies in Hong Kong’ and ‘Urban Walking Studies: Starting with Hong Kong.


Ng Yat San Owen

Founder & President

Game On HK

“In society, there are different people who need help, such as children who are in short of learning resources or elderlies, etc. The truth is, teenagers can also contribute to society by utilizing their own skills or interests, such as sports, to give back to society.”

Aaron Au Yeung

Project Manager, Fullness Social Enterprises Society

Graduating from Quantitative Finance in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Aaron joined an international Christian organization for cross-cultural student ministry. He then entered Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES) to promote social entrepreneurship development in Hong Kong, especially among the youth sector. Through SEnSE Programme (社創校園), New Way Out, SELECT Programme (創新路) and Innovator Farm (創新園), he has reached various tertiary and secondary schools to provide social entrepreneurship education programmes, nurturing young social entrepreneurs with training, coaching and companionship and assisting them in exploring multiple pathways. He is currently a Project Manager of FSES to support social entrepreneurs in creating positive impact in the community.

Happiness is only real when shared.”