About the Exhibition

Exhibition Date:6th-16th June 2024
Opening Hour:11:00 am – 8:00 pm(Mon to Thurs)
     10:00 am – 9:00 pm (Fri to Sun and Public Holiday)
Venue:Tai Kwun, Duplex Studio

Young people are not isolated individuals, but rather interconnected within a web of relationships. They are all intertwined, inevitably being shaped into the adults of tomorrow. 

The three-part exhibition aims to give an overview of Hong Kong’s youth today. Through data presentation, creative art forms, as well as experiential exhibition and ion-site exchange, we seek to divulge the pursuant, struggles, talent and aspirations of our young generation.  May be we can also discover our role among them and move on with them together. 

Part I: What is a youth? 

Each grain of sand tells a different story, so does every youth.  We have identified five significant factors affecting youth development. They are: youth demographics, mental health, attitude & choice, vocational aspiration and digital usage.  

We have invited 50 young people from different walks of life to each create an “unfinished”  clay sculpture of “The Me I See”.  Do remember, these are unfinished stories. Life is always in the making…

Part II:  Challenges of Growing Up 

In the journey of life, there are inevitable tensions and struggles. Sometimes we move forward, and sometimes we retreat. 

Often, they are manifested through words. This part of exhibition is designed to appeal to your past, inner experiences while hoping you find new meanings along the way.

Part III: Together, we thrive  

To move forward, only compassion will guide us through this complex world. 

“No man is an island!” We are intrigued by the wonderful stories of 13 young people who demonstrated creativity, collective learning and mutual respect in their endeavours to serve one another and impact the community.  Such new pathways should inspire us all to revitalize our effort to build a brighter future.    

All this would not be possible without you.